Piney Meadows Campground
Mini Bike Races
July 6, 2024 Was a GREAT day with plenty of sunshine and racers.
We had FOUR classes of racers, Amateur division, Basic division,
Pit bikes, and Go-Karts. We want to thank everyone who participated in the event, the by-standards who cheered everyone on, and all the hard working volunteers that made this event successful again.
Congratulations to everyone who participated !!!
We had 50/50's, raffles, and sold Piney Meadows apparel.
"Big Papa's" Food Truck Vender was busy the whole race and
"SOLD OUT" of food by the end of the races.
A special thank you to our "Official" John, who not only was the flagger for the races, he also was the "official" for the wiffle ball game.
More racing this summer, stay posted for the dates !!!